Our Rhythm
We don’t just go to church. We are the church.
House Churches - Loving & Serving Our Community.
(1st Sunday of the month)
God loves all people, and has a special place in his heart for those who are going through trying times, who are alone, or who don’t have someone to care for them. Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to love God and love people. Loving people is more than sharing words – it’s also about getting your hands dirty and helping in practical ways.
If you would like to serve with us, but are not interested in being part of other aspects of the church – no worries. Just let us know that you are interested in the 1st Sunday serving opportunities and we’ll hook you up.
Big Church.
(2nd Sunday of the month @ 9:45am)
The Sons of Norway Lodge
18891 Front Street, Poulsbo, WA
“Big Church” is really what most people consider to be normal church. Twice a month during the school year (and once a month during the summer) our whole church joins together to worship God. We sing together, read scripture, pray, and celebrate who God is and what God has done! We meet the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month during the school year (Only the 2nd Sunday in June, July and August). 9:45am Coffee & goodies. 10am Worship Service.
House Churches - Reading the Scriptures & Sharing a Meal.
(3rd Sunday of the month)
House churches help us keep relationship at the center of what it means to be the church!
The church was meant to be a family. Smaller groups allow us to get to know each other, build trust, and to have dialogue about life and God. Ultimately our purpose is to help each other grow in love for God and others.
On the 3rd week of the month – Each house church gathers together to eat some good food, to study and dialogue over scripture, and to hang out.
Big Church.
(4th Sunday of the month @ 9:45am)
The Sons of Norway Lodge
18891 Front Street, Poulsbo, WA
“Big Church” is really what most people consider to be normal church. Twice a month during the school year (and once a month during the summer) our whole church joins together to worship God. We sing together, read scripture, pray, and celebrate who God is and what God has done! We meet the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month during the school year (Only the 2nd Sunday in June, July and August). 9:45am Coffee & goodies. 10am Worship Service.